Getting help

Just the FAQs, ma'm!

It's possible you'll have a question or problem no one else has encountered. More often many people have experienced the same issue or glitch you're facing.

Across the Internet you'll come across the term "FAQ" for Frequently Asked Questions. Most newsgroups* and LISTSERVs* archive their FAQs. For example, the newsgroup lists performers as well as plot summaries.

Bytewriter FAQs are available here.

There are collections of FAQs for many of the usenet newsgroups, as well as the World Wide Web. The FAQs site for using the File Transfer Protocol is part of the "monster" FTP site.

Some Web sites also make their own FAQs available, such as the questions frequently asked through the Virtual Traveler site.

A third alternative is to subscribe to the newsgroup called: news.answers.newsgroup. Many groups regularly post their FAQs there.